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Phased Launch 


🚀 The Rollout: Bringing Our Family Together, One Step at a Time

The Hyde, Kingsley, and Terribile Family Network is a major undertaking—a project that has been in the making since 2009. After years of development, planning, and fine-tuning, the time has finally come for the official launch! But this is just the beginning—building a thriving family network is an ongoing journey that will continue for years to come.

To ensure a smooth and organized launch, we’re rolling things out in phases. The initial focus is on my dad’s generation—his brothers, sisters, and cousins. From there, we’ll expand to their children, then eventually to the next generation, making sure each phase is manageable and every new member is properly welcomed into the community.

If you’re excited and eager to join sooner (and I hope you are!), simply fill out the form below, and I’ll do my best to grant early access. Please keep in mind that adding members is a manual process, as the network operates on a hybrid system that requires syncing between two platforms—so I appreciate your patience!

Thank you for being part of this exciting new chapter in our family’s story!

– Bradford Hyde

Request To Join

📢 How to Join: Step-by-Step Instructions

If you are a Hyde, Kingsley, or Terribile by blood or marriage, you are welcome to join our private family network!To ensure a smooth onboarding process, please follow the instructions below carefully to request access.

⚠️ Important Notice:

Our system is a combination of two separate platforms working together:
1️⃣ The Hyde, Kingsley, and Terribile Family Network (the website you are on now)
2️⃣ Famberry (a third-party genealogy app)

To gain full access, you must create a username and password for both systems. However, your account will not be approved on this site until you have received and accepted an invitation to Famberry.

🚨 Please Do Not Sign Up for Famberry on Your Own!

⚠️ You must be invited by me to join Famberry—signing up independently will not connect you to our family group. Additionally, please do not invite others through Famberry; all invitations should come directly from me to ensure proper account linking and syncing between the two systems.

✅ What You Need to Do:

📌 Step 1: Fill out the access request form below.
📌 Step 2: Wait for your personal Famberry invitation from me—do not attempt to create an account on your own.
📌 Step 3: Accept the Famberry invite and create your login credentials.
📌 Step 4: Once you’ve completed Step 3, your account on this site will be approved, giving you full access to the network!


By following these steps, we ensure that everyone is properly connected, and the family network remains organized and secure. Thank you for your patience and cooperation—I can’t wait to welcome you inside! 😊

Request Access
Step 1

Click Log In In the Upper Right Hand Corner Of The Screen (As Shown Below

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Two Steps

You Can Also Start Here

See Steps Below First

Step 2


 New to this site? Sign Up 

And fill out the form. Once complete submit for approval.

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© 2025 by Bradford Hyde

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